Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Monday, 17 May 2010
Wedding Stickers
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
結婚介子 (1)
它是一對在台灣製造的不銹鋼指環,價值hk$168 pair,是我從網上買的。
他,很少送我名貴的禮物,他送給我最多的,絕大部分都是食物,因他知道我最為食。所以係澳洲這個鬼(佬)地方,我仍然有很多好東西吃。除了因為他工作所需經常四圍去,最重要是他有這份心。他不捨得花10蚊去食午飯,但他會花20蚊去買seafood chowder給我。買不到好吃的,他會去學,泰式甜酸蝦,日式冷面,我想食的,他一定會滿足我。
他知我要到gold coast自駕遊,他怕我不習慣駕長途車,又唔識路,他早幾個月前就買個GPS給我熟習。
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Friday, 7 May 2010
平靜是因為…. 平靜囉
一個婚禮最開心不一定係當日, 結婚當日當然高興, 但果日忙忙碌碌, 敬茶敬酒, 換衫轉妝, 真係..開心到呢…. ^=^"
我覺得最開心, 最享受既時間, 其實係將婚訊”唱通街”既時侯,
果一刻大家都真心祝福你( 因為你重未派”大炸彈”, 所以呢一刻既反應係最真~~) ,
大家都很雀躍討論搵邊果化妝set頭, 去邊樹影結婚相, 擺幾多圍, 邊間酒樓靚
租衫好, 定買衫, 再唔係就訂造, lawer証婚 定去紅棉道?? 分開註冊定一日做晒??
著唔著褂?? 係酒店 or 屋企出門??
嘩~ 你睇, 呢個moment 幾正~~
今次wedding, 最興奮( 唔止高興咁簡單, 再高幾個level 吖唔該~~) 既係我媽咪…
佢真係興奮到初初幾晚訓唔著, 好像嫁的是她一樣~ 哈哈~
相反,不高興的是妹妹, (這件事有機會再講), 而我呢,平靜很…
平靜是因為…. 平靜囉
我覺得最開心, 最享受既時間, 其實係將婚訊”唱通街”既時侯,
果一刻大家都真心祝福你( 因為你重未派”大炸彈”, 所以呢一刻既反應係最真~~) ,
大家都很雀躍討論搵邊果化妝set頭, 去邊樹影結婚相, 擺幾多圍, 邊間酒樓靚
租衫好, 定買衫, 再唔係就訂造, lawer証婚 定去紅棉道?? 分開註冊定一日做晒??
著唔著褂?? 係酒店 or 屋企出門??
嘩~ 你睇, 呢個moment 幾正~~
今次wedding, 最興奮( 唔止高興咁簡單, 再高幾個level 吖唔該~~) 既係我媽咪…
佢真係興奮到初初幾晚訓唔著, 好像嫁的是她一樣~ 哈哈~
相反,不高興的是妹妹, (這件事有機會再講), 而我呢,平靜很…
平靜是因為…. 平靜囉
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Make-up of the day
After confirmed the venue, the second mission is make-up artist of the day. Thanks for all relatives and fds provided many good MUA for me. unfortunately, they are either fully booked or too expensive.
And after a few time browsing 金都 and 百利, finally I just random make a trial appointment at a shop called "Couple" @百利, and confirm the booking immediately after first trial. (Actually, I really dunno how to tell the different from shop to shop, they are all showing very similar "before and after" photos, so confusing...)
be honest, I dun have any special requirement for the makeup or hair styling, i just want it natural all the time and be true me, that's all. I dun want to be "another" person on my wedding.
So during the makeup trial, i ask the her, name Jessica, not "transform" me to another bride, just keep my small eyes and small nose will be fine. (haha~) and she did, great!
the rate she charged which is within my budget, within $5000 for 10hrs match the market price.
Thanks for read my English writing for so long, it's time to show you some pics....
I look like 花師奶~~
This is morning look. very simple...
And after a few time browsing 金都 and 百利, finally I just random make a trial appointment at a shop called "Couple" @百利, and confirm the booking immediately after first trial. (Actually, I really dunno how to tell the different from shop to shop, they are all showing very similar "before and after" photos, so confusing...)
be honest, I dun have any special requirement for the makeup or hair styling, i just want it natural all the time and be true me, that's all. I dun want to be "another" person on my wedding.
So during the makeup trial, i ask the her, name Jessica, not "transform" me to another bride, just keep my small eyes and small nose will be fine. (haha~) and she did, great!
the rate she charged which is within my budget, within $5000 for 10hrs match the market price.
Thanks for read my English writing for so long, it's time to show you some pics....
I look like 花師奶~~
This is morning look. very simple...
Venue - 鑽石山聯邦皇宮
Can't explain why, but I never plan to hold my wedding in hotel. um...it may because we are "causal" couple, we dun feel comfortable when being in a place too grand or too quite (we are noisy couple actually~ haha). Also, chinese restaurant is more user friendly and can have a better budget control.
The reason of choose 鑽石山聯邦 is very simple, this is the only one place terry and me visited before and fit our budget. Coz terry is not in HK, and it's hard for me to explain another venue for him to choose within a short period time (as our wedding on Dec, and that was Mar, time is very tight~)
We actually have another choice - Maxims in Tsuen Wan, next to MTR, however, they require 35 tables or more to get the grand hall, which out of our budget. So, once i know 鑽石山聯邦 still avaliable on Dec sat nite, mami and i just go directly and make the booking.
Of coz the location and the venue itself of 鑽石山聯邦 are also the important factors.
As it location inside Hollywood Plaza, sitting on MTR and bus stops,(no matter the weather is, all the guest will be very convinence to get there~) and it provides entertainment such as shops, cinema, good transports to all the guests, and also terry's home just 3 mins away, we dun have to run among different places on that day.
As you can see in this picture, you will agree that this is the best choice.
樓高22呎、璀瑛閃爍的巨型意大利水晶吊燈及鑽石型無柱設計的宴會廳是鑽石山聯邦大酒樓的三大特點。2006年底本集團特聘名設計師、再投資千萬全新裝 修,鑽石山聯邦大酒樓更為美輪美奐,更為高貴典雅。【瑰麗金鑽】是本店宴會廳之設計主題,象徵每位新娘都有如一顆閃爍的金鑽般亮麗,與新郎憑著情比金堅、 愛如蜜甜的盟誓步向更美滿人生。
鑽石山聯邦宴會廳均無柱遮擋,主人家招呼到賀親友更為周到。百萬元影音系統令新人尤如置身劇院中,三面投 影大銀幕方便賓客於任何位置均可觀望宴會過程。配合高級環迴立體聲音響及專人操控影音系統,確保宴會順利流暢。此外,本店更備有各類先進唱盤、無線咪、高 頻追光燈、錯射幻彩激光、煙霧特別效果等等… ,設備足以讓新人舉辦一個mini concert!我們的婚宴服務隊伍提供專業的服務必定讓閣下永留溫馨難忘的回憶。加上位處荷里活廣場內交通方便,地鐵、巴士、小巴站直達,是各新人夢寐 以求之婚宴場所。
The reason of choose 鑽石山聯邦 is very simple, this is the only one place terry and me visited before and fit our budget. Coz terry is not in HK, and it's hard for me to explain another venue for him to choose within a short period time (as our wedding on Dec, and that was Mar, time is very tight~)
We actually have another choice - Maxims in Tsuen Wan, next to MTR, however, they require 35 tables or more to get the grand hall, which out of our budget. So, once i know 鑽石山聯邦 still avaliable on Dec sat nite, mami and i just go directly and make the booking.
Of coz the location and the venue itself of 鑽石山聯邦 are also the important factors.
As it location inside Hollywood Plaza, sitting on MTR and bus stops,(no matter the weather is, all the guest will be very convinence to get there~) and it provides entertainment such as shops, cinema, good transports to all the guests, and also terry's home just 3 mins away, we dun have to run among different places on that day.
As you can see in this picture, you will agree that this is the best choice.
樓高22呎、璀瑛閃爍的巨型意大利水晶吊燈及鑽石型無柱設計的宴會廳是鑽石山聯邦大酒樓的三大特點。2006年底本集團特聘名設計師、再投資千萬全新裝 修,鑽石山聯邦大酒樓更為美輪美奐,更為高貴典雅。【瑰麗金鑽】是本店宴會廳之設計主題,象徵每位新娘都有如一顆閃爍的金鑽般亮麗,與新郎憑著情比金堅、 愛如蜜甜的盟誓步向更美滿人生。
鑽石山聯邦宴會廳均無柱遮擋,主人家招呼到賀親友更為周到。百萬元影音系統令新人尤如置身劇院中,三面投 影大銀幕方便賓客於任何位置均可觀望宴會過程。配合高級環迴立體聲音響及專人操控影音系統,確保宴會順利流暢。此外,本店更備有各類先進唱盤、無線咪、高 頻追光燈、錯射幻彩激光、煙霧特別效果等等… ,設備足以讓新人舉辦一個mini concert!我們的婚宴服務隊伍提供專業的服務必定讓閣下永留溫馨難忘的回憶。加上位處荷里活廣場內交通方便,地鐵、巴士、小巴站直達,是各新人夢寐 以求之婚宴場所。
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Our Wedding Logo
This is our City-beach wedding logo. and of coz, this is my own work again.
There are some online free wedding logo providers, but most of their designs are the same, only the names or letters changed and then claim this is personalized and FREE for you just if you do some sort of "copy & paste" promotion for them. Oh well~ at first, I also want to get a free logo, but then i gave up. I just dun like this...
I search online from site to site, and i found microsoft office online have many different cilparts which are all very useful and easy to get what you need by using ppt or publisher.
This one is my first design, what do you think?
1st Checklist of Our "City Beach" Wedding
大日子: 2010年12月5日 SUNDAY
兄弟團: 5人- Frankie, Andy, 阿傑, 表咕 & Ka Ho
姊妹團: 5人- (姊妹裙組) Gloria, Joyce, Maggie, Bowie & Lam
(自選靚衫組): 俏茹, Kudde, Fred, Morris, 輝輝 and more coming...
婚紗相: 羅浮宮 (7月影)
新娘化妝: Couple @ 百利 (早晚)
婚禮攝影: we match production (2P1V)
結婚戒指: 未買
新娘花球: DIY by my mami
主婚人襟花: DIY by me
襟花/手花: DIY by me
囍帖: 聯邦送, 未印
囍帖貼紙: 已訂 with wedding logo
西餅卡: 已買(美心西餅 400張 + 聖安娜 30張)
唐餅卡: 已買(奇華130張)
主花車: arranged by my daddy
裙褂: 未睇,但會係潮褂
婚紗: 註冊果條已買, 擺酒果條訂造,未攞
晚裝: 訂造 2 條,未攞
男裝裇衫: 未買齊, 得一件白色 (總數3件)
男裝禮服: 未買
兄弟呔: 未買
姊妹裙: 已買(但保持神秘,so未試)
男新睡衣: 未買
女新睡衣: 未買
媽媽衫: 訂造 2 條,未攞
奶奶衫: 已租
褂鞋: 未買
婚紗/晚裝鞋: 已有一對, 可再買 (呵~)
新郎黑鞋: 未買
首飾: 未買齊
金器: 已買 龍鳳手鐲, 未買頸飾,
過大禮用品: 未買齊
上頭用品: 未買齊
男女家對聯: 未買齊
敬茶茶具: 已買
利是封、囍字貼: 已買
龍鳳被: 已買(但只是紅色花紋被)
紅傘: 已買
開門利是: 未知
花車佈置: 已買
囍字Cushion: 未知
封利是: 未
接新娘遊戲: by姊妹團
即日午膳: 未知
場地佈置: 兄弟姊妹幫手
婚宴音樂: 資料搜集中 by Terry
嘉賓題名冊: 未有
婚宴司儀: 未定
成長片段: we match
菜單及圍數: 未定, around 23-25圍
檯號牌: DIY
Menu牌: DIY
簽名筆: 未買
酒類飲品: 未買齊 (已買2箱28,2箱VERSE 1, All OZ Wine)
賓客邀請名單: 未知
賓客坐位表: 未準備
全日流程: 未準備
工作人員 task list: 未準備
用品 packing list: 未準備
兄弟團: 5人- Frankie, Andy, 阿傑, 表咕 & Ka Ho
姊妹團: 5人- (姊妹裙組) Gloria, Joyce, Maggie, Bowie & Lam
(自選靚衫組): 俏茹, Kudde, Fred, Morris, 輝輝 and more coming...
婚紗相: 羅浮宮 (7月影)
新娘化妝: Couple @ 百利 (早晚)
婚禮攝影: we match production (2P1V)
結婚戒指: 未買
新娘花球: DIY by my mami
主婚人襟花: DIY by me
襟花/手花: DIY by me
囍帖: 聯邦送, 未印
囍帖貼紙: 已訂 with wedding logo
西餅卡: 已買(美心西餅 400張 + 聖安娜 30張)
唐餅卡: 已買(奇華130張)
主花車: arranged by my daddy
裙褂: 未睇,但會係潮褂
婚紗: 註冊果條已買, 擺酒果條訂造,未攞
晚裝: 訂造 2 條,未攞
男裝裇衫: 未買齊, 得一件白色 (總數3件)
男裝禮服: 未買
兄弟呔: 未買
姊妹裙: 已買(但保持神秘,so未試)
男新睡衣: 未買
女新睡衣: 未買
媽媽衫: 訂造 2 條,未攞
奶奶衫: 已租
褂鞋: 未買
婚紗/晚裝鞋: 已有一對, 可再買 (呵~)
新郎黑鞋: 未買
首飾: 未買齊
金器: 已買 龍鳳手鐲, 未買頸飾,
過大禮用品: 未買齊
上頭用品: 未買齊
男女家對聯: 未買齊
敬茶茶具: 已買
利是封、囍字貼: 已買
龍鳳被: 已買(但只是紅色花紋被)
紅傘: 已買
開門利是: 未知
花車佈置: 已買
囍字Cushion: 未知
封利是: 未
接新娘遊戲: by姊妹團
即日午膳: 未知
場地佈置: 兄弟姊妹幫手
婚宴音樂: 資料搜集中 by Terry
嘉賓題名冊: 未有
婚宴司儀: 未定
成長片段: we match
菜單及圍數: 未定, around 23-25圍
檯號牌: DIY
Menu牌: DIY
簽名筆: 未買
酒類飲品: 未買齊 (已買2箱28,2箱VERSE 1, All OZ Wine)
賓客邀請名單: 未知
賓客坐位表: 未準備
全日流程: 未準備
工作人員 task list: 未準備
用品 packing list: 未準備
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
On the day of a wedding joke...
Really want to share all my wedding stuff in Chinese, however, my Chinese typing is very slow. I've try, but when typing slowly and confusing how to have a complete sentence in Chinese, all my thoughts and moods just gone. So.... let's start!!
As I remember, on the day after i had my new short hair style, I ask my mum, how much 禮金 should Terry pay if we get married later. Actually, I dun have any intention on this question, just a question raised up in my head at that time. But then, my mum ask my dad, and I forgot how long we discussed on this issue, and suddenly my dad said, 'OK! You two get married end of this year la!'
Well! Actually I'm not very surprise or excitedat that time, I rang Terry and said, "Dad said we can get married at the end on this year, what do you think?" "OK, no problem! I can talk to my mum".
Start from a causal talk, my wedding and then confirmed. ( Of coz, i dun think this could be so easy for my Dad to make this decision, so just skip this part and we'll talk this later) On the next day, I took a sick leave and go to make restaurant booking.
As I remember, on the day after i had my new short hair style, I ask my mum, how much 禮金 should Terry pay if we get married later. Actually, I dun have any intention on this question, just a question raised up in my head at that time. But then, my mum ask my dad, and I forgot how long we discussed on this issue, and suddenly my dad said, 'OK! You two get married end of this year la!'
Well! Actually I'm not very surprise or excitedat that time, I rang Terry and said, "Dad said we can get married at the end on this year, what do you think?" "OK, no problem! I can talk to my mum".
Start from a causal talk, my wedding and then confirmed. ( Of coz, i dun think this could be so easy for my Dad to make this decision, so just skip this part and we'll talk this later) On the next day, I took a sick leave and go to make restaurant booking.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Back to the first stage of our wedding...
Today is 2 May, 2010.
Let me bring you back to 2 March, 2010, when my wedding was proposed.
Let me bring you back to 2 March, 2010, when my wedding was proposed.
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